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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zine Of Bronze #6 - For Fans Of Doc Savage!


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Zine Of Bronze #6

 For Fans of The Man Of Bronze!

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Above:  Jim Main @ SPACE 2009


A while back I became Facebook Friends with Jim Main...  

Who I knew had published some periodicals.  I wasn't aware of how many until he sent a package to me of just a few of them to read and possibly review here.  Currently there are 48 publications that he has published that are listed for sale in his online store!

The one I wanted to review here first was a zine on The Man Of Bronze.  Here are the items that this issue covers per Jim's listing:

Gorgeous full color covers by Tim Faurote and Alvaro Fernandois, articles by Tom Barnett(on Ham Brooks), Julian Puga V (on The Secrets of the U-Boats), Dennis Kininger (his on-going reviews of the Bantam reprints of the Doc Savage novels). Plus more regular features (Cover to Cover, and our letters section) and more great illustrations by Tim Faurote, John Lambert, Christian Diaz and Virginia Mills-Barfield!

OK, I'll take it from there...

I would have to agree with Jim that the covers are both very well illustrated!  The front cover by Tim Faurote is a natural one to use to get casual readers to look at it closer.

Upon doing so I found that this zine is doing what good zines should do.  That is, have a message from the Editor / Publisher, a table of contents, a letters page, text essays, and photos.  All that is here in this zine!

Of course the letters page will feature letters about previous issues, (which I have not seen).  So reading those could or should draw you in as a reader to possibly order the issue(s) the letter(s) talk about.

One of the essays was by Tom Barnett, who did a good job on explaining "Building A Literary Character: Ham Brooks".

The next feature focused on 'The Brand of The Werewolf' which intriqued me because it showed the covers of the Doc Savage comic books that were published by Marvel Comics, and that there was a history of The Werewolf that went back to the pulps that I wasn't aware of!  I had also missed the Bantam paperback in 1965 that reprinted that tale also.

Speaking about the Bantam Books... the next article was a revealing one by Dennis Kininger who reviewed several books from that series. Also an enjoyable and informative article in a 'review' format style.

There was also a 'Comic Book Review' by Dennis.  Which I liked seeing because it reviewed Marvel Two-In-One #21.  Being a Big Fan of The Thing from the Fantastic Four, I enjoyed reading about it in this zine, even though the reviewer didn't think much of the storyline in the comic book issue...!

The last article was by Julian Puga V, who wrote on 'The Secriet of the U-Boats'.  A good historical essay that kept my interest.

I would have to say in summary, that this issue of 'Zine Of Bronze' was a well edited magzine!   Even though I am NOT a big fan of Doc Savage, it was well crafted for even me, a casual Doc Savage reader, to enjoy.  Matter of fact, of all the items that Jim sent me, it was the first publication that I read, and have now reviewed... it is THAT Good!

Details on this issue as follows:

Cost of this issue is: $3.50 plus 1.50 shipping.
$5.00 per issue postpaid in the USA.  Personal checks only, with checks made out to Jim Main.  Jim's web site to order is at:

Unfortunately we don't have back issues of Jim's Zine in our own online store at this time... However, Please check out our other new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films!  

~ Michael 


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CONVENTION PHOTOS:  OK, as mentioned before in this Blog, I tease my wife about having to stop to take photos of every Wonder Woman costumed attendee!  Plus sometimes even getting in the photo myself!  So turnabout is fair play.... Here's Tina at the 2003 San Diego Comic Con International with Wonder Woman  AND Batman!

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