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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Spotlight On... Scott Shaw!


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Spotlight On...

Scott Shaw! 

Above:  Just one of the multiple slides shown at the ODDBALL COMICS Slideshow @ the 2008 SDCC! And yeah, bring back Woody Woodpecker to sell Chevy Cars!

At the Left: Scott Shaw! @ his 2009 SDCCI Booth!

This entry in our 'Spotlight On...' blog post series is about a special person who is celebrating his birthday today...  

Yes, that would be Scott Shaw!, who has entertained my family members during the many years they attended the San Diego Comic Con International with me...

I could go on and on about how Scott Shaw! is a famous United States cartoonist and animator!  But if you are reading this, you probably know about that of him! 

So I'll just mention that among Scott's many works in the comic-book industry is his work on Hanna-Barbera's The Flintstones (for Marvel Comics and Harvey Comics).

Why just mention that?  Well, it's because my two oldest kids had the privilege years ago at one of mid 1990's San Diego Comic Cons  (SDCC) to actually sit in a 'class' at the Convention and learn how to draw Flintstones characters as taught by Scott!  They talked about that 'class' the rest of the summer and brought it up for years afterward!  Thanks Scott for doing that for my kids, and all the other kids that were there that year!

The other program that has entertained us everytime for many years is his 'Oddball Comics Slideshow' which he has shown at the SDCC! Quite honestly my feet thank him for being able to sit down for an hour at each con and then I just relax and laugh with Scott at his choices to feature each year!   Seen below are: left - 'Forward With Eisenhower - Nixon', and yes that is a comic book!, and to the right one of many promotional comic books that have been published through the decades, this one being Scotty MacTape to The Rescue!

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The above program was not the only program or panel he attends each year at the SDCC;  just click here to see my earlier blog post as to what he was attending and participating in at the 2009 Con

And yeah, I guess I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Scott was also the first artist for the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic book which my youngest son enjoys reading!  So much so the my son even blogged about that here once!

Currently Scott also maintains a regular column on the craziest comic books ever published, web site.

So, why don't YOU, If You aren't already registered there, sign up and comment on his discussion board?!  I'm sure he would appreciate that as a Great Birthday Present from YOU!  At least wish him a Happy Birthday there!

And so I close out this 'Spotlight On... Scott Shaw!' by saying...  Happy Birthday Scott, AND Thanks for all the entertainment you've given me and my family during the years!  Looking forward to many more years of fun programs at the Comic Con and your other endeavors! 

And Oh... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films!  

Plus... Please check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are usually based on.  We do have a few Scott Shaw! comics there from time to time

~ Michael 


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CONVENTION PHOTOS:  OK, so in keeping with this Blog post's theme.... here is another Comics Creator, Katie Cook, who is shown at a program of her own at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con International!   Katie was showing the 'full house' of attendees how to draw Star Wars characters via an overhead projector.  Very similar to what Scott Shaw! above had done years ago for my kids! when he had drawn on artists board on an oversized easel.  Never too early to show someone how the pros do it!  Great Job Katie Cook! 

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