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Thursday, September 17, 2009

FBCC Table Sketch From Tiina Birgitta Räisänen


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Facebook Comic Con Table Sketch From Tiina Birgitta Räisänen

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Above:  Journey Into Mystery #72 which is when Michael stopped just reading comics and started collecting them, because of this special Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers feature and cover!  At the Left:  The special sketch by Tiina Birgitta Räisänen!


Sunday I received my FaceBook Comic Con (FBCC) Table Sketch From Tiina Birgitta Räisänen...  

Who had made a Special Offer to those that joined Her FBCC Artist Table.  She has had many who took her up on this offer, including myself.

Instead of just a run-of-the-mill superhero for her to sketch, I thought I might ask her to sketch the creature from Journey Into Mystery #72. Why?  Well, that was the issue that made me stop 'reading' comics, and start to read AND collect comic books!

 So, I was very pleased when the above sketch came in via email to me. Tiina did such a good job on this request that I wanted to share it, and her offer to those that read my Blog! 

For YOU to receive one like I did, You must be a member of Facebook. Then You have to 'join' her FBCC Table group so You can submit your request.  (And NO, you don't have to be her Facebook Friend to do that!)  That's easy enough.. So here are the particulars for you to get a sketch:

As a grand opening event of Facebook Comic Con, Tiina Raisanen is offering a free sketch to the first 1,000 to reguest for it no deadline its ongoing event, until next convention occurs.

1) Only one sketch per registrant.

2) Upon registering, leave a wall message on this events page, stating which character you'd like in the sketch, and include link to reference for obscure characters.

3) Only one character per sketch!!!!!!!!!!!!

4) Sketches will be posted in the photo section of this event.

5) High rez files will be emailed to each requester who can provide an email address.

6) Event dates are a Facebook limitation. Sketches will continue until 1,000 are produced.

Tell your friends and have them tell their friends. Don't miss this opportunity to have a free Tiina Raisanen online convention sketch!

Okay... so here's the special FaceBook Comic Con Table for Tiina:

and here is the 'wall' where my special sketch and the others she has sketched are currently shown, among other samples of her artwork:

Please Note:  This is Not one of our 'Spotlight On...' comics creators blog posts.  Otherwise I would run a photo of Tiina and post her bio here also.  This is just to mention that I really enjoyed seeing the sketch that was emailed to me, reminding me once again why I enjoy the sequential art format!

Again, My Thanks to Tiina for taking time out of her busy schedule to do the above sketch for me!  

And NO, I'm not listing it for sale in our online store...  But while I am mentioning that... Please check out our other new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  Including The Mighty Thor, the superhero who 'took over' the Journey Into Mystery title shortly after his introduction in its pages

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films!  

~ Michael 


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"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see 'Our Reviews posted at eBay! 

Note: If you breaking into or work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

PERSONAL PHOTOS:  And yeah... I continued on collecting Journey Into Mystery comics even after it started featuring The Mighty Thor!  Soon after, the title was altered to read "Journey Into Mystery with The Mighty Thor" and with issue #126 it was changed to just "The Mighty Thor".  Of course with a name like Hamersky... how could I help but enjoy this title with the Thor?  My surname is Polish, as it was Hamerski from Hamer-ski from the village of Hamer-mlyn.  The Vikings, (who believed in the Norse Gods), brought the name 'Hamer' to the village centuries ago.  Yes, I did research my genealogy a few decades ago... I do more than just read and blog on comics, LOL!

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



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