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CONVENTION PHOTOS:  I would have to say that it is largely due to comics creators like George Tuska, about whom the main feature of this blog post is about today, that there even are Marvel Films like the Iron Man Film that was released recently.  It is due to guys and gals in the trenches that got the Iron Man title(s) out during all these years that made long time fans, and long ago lapsed fans, even want to come out to an 'Iron Man' film in the first place!  I know that I for one went to the special program at the 2007 San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) on the then upcoming Iron Man Film, because of guys like George Tuska that had kept me interested in the Iron Man character for so long!   And yeah, other filmgoers like my wife went because of the great casting like Robert Downey Jr seen below!  But still, if it wasn't for guys and gals like George Tuska....

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